TheTV, LiveTV, AISTV, AISLIVETVTheTV is a real-time streaming application for watching a television in Thailand.No need to install flash player.TheTV
Thetv, Livetv, Aistv, Aislivetv
Thetv is a real-time streaming application for Watching a Television in Thailand.
No Need to Install Flash Player.
Thetv Supports Magnection Such As Wifi, Edge and GPRS (2G, 2.5G).
Thetv is the first application for that supports a Mobile Connection VIA GPRS and it's a free application.
Thettv is a program for watching TV programs on mobile phones that use Android operating systems, which can be viewed by connecting Wifi, EDGE and GPRS (2G, 2.5G). The most important thing is that there is no need to install Flash Player, allowing where to watch.